The ongoing conflict and controversy over the execution of the Foothill Road Project is unnecessary and a distraction as we have other more pressing issues to deal with.

All parties involved in the process—the Nagaland Foothill Road Coordination Committee (NFHRCC), State Govt and Contractors should be grateful that the long awaited road project is finally a reality and that this ‘People’s Road’ will become a valuable asset for Nagaland.

It has been widely acknowledged as truth that the NFHRCC laid the groundwork for the Road Project to see the light of day. Without their effort it would perhaps be correct to say that there would have been no such project or road. It is important therefore, to honor the role and participation of the NFHRCC till the completion of the Foothill Road.

On his part, the Minister of Roads & Bridges, Govt of Nagaland has shown exemplary courage to take responsibility for the successful completion of the road project to the extent of making a public declaration that he will even resign for any failure that may arise in the execution of the project.

Now therefore it is a humble suggestion that the misunderstanding over the execution of the project should be urgently resolved without allowing emotions to divide us further along tribal and political lines.

The best thing will be to redraft a single agreement that would require all contractors selected for this project to sign with the Nagaland Govt as the executive authority and include the NFHRCC as a signatory (guardian) to jointly monitor the road project. The points of concern raised by the NFHRCC, most notably to ensure quality work and proper fund use, should be included, if required, after due amendment.

The overwhelming public support and mandate for the early resumption and completion of this historic, people-led ‘Extraordinary Project’ should not be derailed under any circumstances. As a first step forward to resolve the issue, the Chief Minister should personally intervene. The State Govt and NFHRCC should sit together and rework the implementation agreement without further delay. Let sound judgment prevail.

Along Longkumer
Former Editor, The Morung Express

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