The Urban Health Primary Health Centre (UPHC) Seikhazou conducted a free medical health camp at Kohima Bible College (KBC) on March 15.

A press release from KBC stated that the medical team was led by Dr Balvia Yalie, Medical Officer in charge (MO i/c) of UPHC Seikhazou, along with Dr Medozhazo Rupreo, MO; Dr Kediphrunuo Shuya, Dental Surgeon; nurses; a laboratory technician; and others.

During the camp, services such as doctor’s consultations, free medicines after consultation, immunization for pregnant mothers (TD) and children aged 16 years and below, free basic laboratory services and screenings, IEC, and family planning were made available for the students, staff, and families of KBC.

Furthermore, the KBC authority, in the release, acknowledged and commended the medical team led by Dr. Balvia Yalie for organizing the timely camp, which greatly benefited the college. They also expressed their desire for more collaborations in the future.


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