As the 2022 Commonwealth Games successfully comes to an end, there remains an urgent need for all of us to introspect, the situation we’re in and the future that lies ahead for sports in Nagaland.
India sent a contingent of 200+ athletes who put up a stellar showing with a haul of 55 medals including 18 Gold.
Nagaland had 0 participants.
Our neighbouring states not only send many athletes but they even triumphed with Medals, Gold no less.
Let this be a rude wakeup call but at the same time let us also be encouraged to see India performing well, especially our neighbouring states.
Let’s stop the blame game and instead, see what we can do to be part of a brighter future for sports in Nagaland.
1. The time has come to plan ahead.
Forget about immediate success.
Are you ready to sacrifice your time and resources to invest in sports, even if it means the fruits may bear long after you’re gone?
2. We need to invest properly. As we are already a cash strapped state, what little of the funds we receive should be invested with a vision in mind. Let us start investing in the grassroots, our children and work towards creating a thriving sports ecosystem.
3. Unfortunately we are way behind others in our progress in sports, it is going to take time. We have to carefully grow and nurture the culture of sports. Policies are required where we need to see sports embedded into our education system without it being a “pastime”.
4. Besides being an estimated 500 billion dollar industry, Sports also enhances social and cultural life, it is much more than just competitions. Nagas love sports, how have we not yet learned to integrate it into our society and culture and turn it into a revenue generator?
This is something leaders must ponder upon and take initiative.
5. Many leaders need to self reflect. Why are you holding a certain post or responsibility?
If it is not for the sole reason for developing sports and athletes, kindly step down and make way for others who would do justice to the job.
6. System Overhaul – Even though this may not be possible overnight, this is a must! We need an injection of dedicated persons into the system, people who are willing to put the work in and make a difference. There needs to be a major revamp in the organizational set up of sports associations.
1. I understand the frustrations but I’m genuinely positive that things are taking a right turn.
But remember one thing… If you are meant to be a champion, you will become one!
There are numerous stories of champions who’ve had to overcome ridiculous circumstances to get to where they are.
It is definitely the duty of the govt, the sports associations etc. to provide you with the infrastructure, training, competitions and more. But even if that is not happening, keep your focus intact. Don’t depend on others for your success even if they are fully responsible for helping you.
2. Discipline – In my personal opinion, this is one of the biggest drawbacks amongst our sportspersons.
Whether it is to do with diet, training, lifestyle, a sportsperson who wants to be at the top cannot do it without discipline, in all aspects of life.
3. Responsibility beyond your career.
I’d like to request retired sportspersons to give back to your sport. Whether it’s by getting into coaching or joining associations/organizations, give back to your sport and provide better opportunities for future generations.
The need for more sportspersons in the system and in positions of power is of utmost importance.
* Much has already been said about our poor track record in sports and so I will just say this…
* If you are genuinely concerned for sports and our sportspersons then do something about it!
* Of late, it is so encouraging to see a lot of young faces getting into the system and trying to make a change. This is the need of the hour, in whatever capacity we can, let us try to contribute to the progress and development of sports and sportspersons in Nagaland.
* It may be too far for the short sighted to see, a little too much for the pessimists to believe but in reality, it is within reach, within our means.
* We can, if we make a conscious collective effort.