Mokokchung, 19 December (MTNews): The Global Naga Forum has through a press statement issued an urgent appeal seeking for the immediate release of two detained leaders from Chop village, serving as a symbolic act of compassion, aligning with the season of peace and mercy celebrated by Naga Christians during this time of the year.

“Recent events at the Indo-Myanmar border have unfolded in a way that has put the fate of the two village leaders of Chop in Longding District of Arunachal Pradesh in a precarious place. Their situation strikes at the very core of Naga people’s shared humanity and our peoplehood,” stated the GNF.

According to GNF, this matter goes beyond political affiliations as it appeals to “our basic human capacity for forethought and mercy toward one another for the sake of the longer implications on the Naga society as a whole.”

“Decisive and positive leadership along these lines could help initiate a new path, away from the unending cycle of resentment and discord, onto a culture of compassionate dialogue leading to trust and unity. Compassionate leadership will, we believe, resonate more profoundly with the deep aspirations of our people,” added the GNF.

The forum further appealed to the concerned Naga Political Groups responsible for abduction of the two leaders to release them without further delay.

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