The Government of India and the National Socialist Council of Nagaland – K (Niki) have mutually agreed to extend their Ceasefire Agreement for one year, effective from September 8, 2024, until September 7, 2025. This extension aims to bring about a lasting peace in the State of Nagaland with the involvement of the Naga people.

The Ceasefire Agreement will be governed by the Ceasefire Ground Rules, which have been mutually agreed upon and signed by both parties. These rules will be subject to mutual review and amendment with the involvement of both parties.

The extension was formalized on September 4, 2024, with signatures from key representatives: Abel Zingri Thuer, Supervisor, CFSB NSCN-(K)Niki; Ameka Achumi, Secretary, CFSB NSCN-(K)Niki; and Piyush Goyal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.



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