Task Force for Music and Arts (TaFMA) Excellence Awards  2022-23 was held at RCEMPA, Jotsoma on 4th September 2023 with the governor of Nagaland, La Ganesan as the Guest of Honour.
Speaking at the second edition of the TaFMA Excellence Awards, the Governor said that TaFMA has been a beacon of cultural excellence in Nagaland since its inception. The guest of honor stated that TaFMA under the state Government’s vision has not just thrived but flourished. “Its impact is felt not only in the creative heart of our state but also resonates strongly in the digital platforms,” he said.
Lauding TaFMA’s efforts, the Governor said that dedication to the promotion and preservation of music and the arts in Nagaland is nothing short of remarkable. He appreciated TaFMA for working tirelessly to create platforms and opportunities for artists and musicians to showcase their talents, both within and outside the state’s borders, ranging from organizing cultural festivals and exhibitions to providing financial support and training to budding artists.
The Governor underlined that the government has played a pivotal role in nurturing and supporting the music and arts fraternity in Nagaland. He informed that recognizing the cultural richness and artistic potential of the state, the government has consistently allocated resources and implemented policies to bolster the creative sector and the efforts have resulted in a thriving artistic community that contributes not only to the state’s cultural heritage but also to its economy.
The Governor advised the gathering to applaud the eleven recipients, who have excelled in various artistic fields, and also to celebrate the efforts of TaFMA and all its stakeholders, and to foster an environment where creativity knows no bounds. The Governor mentioned that Nagaland, with its lush landscapes, rich traditions, and exceptional talents, stands as a testament to what can be achieved when artistry is nurtured.
The Governor extended his gratitude to TaFMA and all those who have tirelessly supported the music and arts fraternity in Nagaland. The Governor stated that “we must create a legacy of creativity and excellence which will continue to inspire generations to come.” He also reminded everyone to cherish the event as “a reflection of our commitment to the arts and a celebration of the boundless artistic potential that Nagaland holds.” The Governor hoped that the spirit of creativity and artistic expression will continue to shine brightly in the state and beyond.
Chairman, Task Force for Music and Arts (TaFMA), Theja Meru thanked the Governor for gracing the occasion. He also thanked the Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, under whose vision TaFMA has grown to be an important “cultural, artistic and musical landmark in the country’s music and arts ecosystem.”
Various artists performed during the Award function including Imnainla Jamir who performed “Saare Jahan Se Achaa” on guitar.
The event was also attended by the Speaker, Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Sharingain Longkumer; Advisor YR&S S Keoshu Yimchunger; Advisor to CM Abu Metha; Commissioner & Secretary YRS Wezope Kenye; Director YRS Kethosituo Sekhose; other government officials, music and art lovers and others.
The Governor handed over the TaFMA Excellence Award 2022-23 to eleven achievers viz.:
1. Abel Assumi – Artist of the Year (International Brilliance Awardee)
2. Moa Subong (Padma Shri Awardee)
3. Sunep A Jamir (4 Superwinners of Nexa Music)
4. Guru Zachunu Keyho (Sangeet Natak Akademi Awardee)
5. Imnaainla Jamir (The H.E.R Awardee)
6. Moko Koza (Best Hip Hop Rap Artist Awardee at Radio City Freedom Awards)
7. Kuvelu Tetseo – (Indian Icon Awardee)
8. Tetseo Sisters (National Excellence Awardee)
9. N.K Naga (Sangeet Natak Akademi Awardee)
10. Tonoto Zhimomi – (Mister Attitude World People’s Choice Awardee)
11. Andrea Kevichusa – (Filmfare Awardee – Best Female Debut)
Andrea Kevichusa was also declared the ultimate Achiever Award and walked away with a Toyota Car sponsored by Okusa Motors.
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