High-yielding Serengeti beans promoted in Longpa village by ATMA

2025-02-17 | 01:29h
2025-02-17 | 07:30h

Beans are an important crop for farmers, known for their nutritional value and market demand. To ensure that farmers achieve high yields and quality produce, the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Kobulong block, carried out a demonstration program on the “Proper Cultivation Techniques of Beans” at Longpa village on February 15, 2025.

The resource person, Temjeninla Longkumer, ATM, Kobulong block, provided crucial insights to local farmers on maximizing their productivity with the high-yielding bean variety “Serengeti,” known for its resilience against diseases such as Anthracnose and Bean Mosaic Virus.


She provided detailed insights into various aspects of bean cultivation, including proper selection of varieties, land preparation, sowing, spacing, irrigation, fertilizer application, harvesting, and storage. Later, a hands-on demonstration on bed preparation and maintenance was carried out. In addition, the farmers were informed about timely pest and disease management along with intercultural operations. By adopting these proper cultivation techniques, farmers can achieve better yields, reduce crop losses, and increase the marketability of their beans.

At the end, bean seeds were distributed to the farmers. A total of 10 farmers, along with ATMA staff, attended the demonstration program.


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