Capacity Building Program for Anti Human Trafficking Unit Held in Mokokchung


Mokokchung, July 7 (MTNews): People many a time do not voice out against violence of which society in Mokokchung is not an exception, and people who do not voice out against violence are indirectly encouraging violence. SDO (C) and Nodal Officer, Sakhi OSC, Sentilong Ozukum said this while delivering the keynote address during a Training & Capacity Building Program for Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and other stakeholders dealing with Human Rehabilitation of Human Trafficking and Rehabilitation was held in Mokokchung town on July 7. “Human trafficking, which is a community-wide problem can be controlled or eliminated only through community participation against it,” he added.


Addl. SP & Nodal Officer, OSC, Mokokchung, Imtimeren speaking during the Training & Capacity Building Program for Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) at the Conference Hall of ADC (Planning) Mokokchung on 7th July 2022. (DPRO Mokokchung)

The program was organized by the District Administration and Sakhi One-stop Centre (OSC), Mokokchung in collaboration with the State Resource Centre for Women, a DIPR report said. The program was also supported by National Commission for Women in collaboration with Nagaland State Commission for Women.


It was also reported that topics on concept, different patterns and dimensions of human trafficking and cases reported/modus operandi of human trafficking at the district and the role of AHTUs, existing response system, and legal mechanism to address human trafficking, rescue and rehabilitation services for trafficked women and children (Schemes under MWCD, GoI) and role of civil society in preventing human trafficking were discussed in the program.


Resource persons were, Addl. SP & Nodal Officer, OSC, Imtimeren; Advocate Talijungla Longkumer, MDLSA Panel Lawyer, OSC; Dr. Amongla, Chairperson, Child Welfare Committee; and President, Watsu Mungdang, S. Arenla Longkumer.
Case Worker, OSC, Ajungla Longchar was the moderator of the program.

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