In a rather unique turn of events, K Tokugha Sukhalu IAS (Rtd), Advisor for Food and Civil Supplies, Legal Metrology and Consumer Protection, wrote a letter to Rural Development Minister Metsubu Jamir on 3 June 2023, emphasizing that Natha New village stood out as “the only village that resolved to abide by the call for clean elections” among all the villages in the 35 Zunheboto AC. The advisor, in fact, requested the Minister to consider allocating funds for the construction of a village council hall in Natha New.


Reacting to this, 52-year-old Heto S Zhimomi, the Village Council Chairman and the Village Chief (GB or Akukau) of Natha New village, during a telephonic conversation with Mokokchung Times, expressed gratitude to the Advisor and hoped that Natha New village will serve as an inspiring model for others.


Zhimomi further revealed that Natha New village had been blessed in various aspects. The village received recognition from the Sumi Hoho, who awarded them a certificate for their exemplary implementation of the ‘Clean and Free Election’ principles. Moreover, Advisor Hekhani personally met the villagers and introduced them to influential ministers, apprising them of the village’s remarkable achievements and success.


Zhimomi, who has been the VCC for 10 years and is also the Chairman of Gaon Bura in the Zunheboto Area, said the Natha New village lies very close to West-West Zunheboto town area with about 90 households and around 332 voters with young voters in majority.



How the village succeeded to adopt clean and fair election

Regarding the village’s success in adopting clean and fair elections, Zhimomi explained that the concept of a clean election was already familiar to the villagers due to the consistent advocacy by organizations like Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (SBAK), and the local pastors. However, he acknowledged that the village did not discuss formally adopting such a principle.


During the 2023 election, Zhimomi noted that unlike other times, there were no candidates from the Natha New village. Consequently, the village’s three chiefs, council members, and elders came together to assess the candidates put forth by other areas.


Through this evaluation, they recognized the contributions of Sukhalu, the former advisor of the education department, to the development of Zunheboto town. They observed that Sukhalu had facilitated the black topping of four roads, initiated the renovation of the old Government HSS, improved the ground rostrum, and even took steps toward the construction of a Multipurpose Hall.


Therefore, despite Sukhalu not bringing any development to their village during 2018 to 2022, the villagers prioritized the overall development of Zunheboto town.


“When Zunheboto town, the district headquarters, lacks development, it causes us distress and sadness. Therefore, we made the decision to elect Sukhalu because we realized that he has made efforts for the betterment of Zunheboto town,” he explained.



Was it truly free and fair?

When asked about whether the entire village was in agreement with their decisions, he replied, “Whenever we make a decision that benefits the village, they always support us.”


Asked about how they manage to gain the trust of the entire village, Zhimomi shared his learning based on his ten years of experience as a VCC. He emphasized the importance of adopting a transparent system where the opinion of the entire village is sought.


“The village chiefs, council chairman, and elders have a responsibility to maintain transparency and ensure the villagers’ happiness,” he explained. He further stated that he ensures there is a transparent audit process in the village and that he personally does not handle finances.


When asked if they coerced any villagers to vote for the specific candidate, he stated that they respected the individual’s freedom of choice and the right to vote. It was revealed that out of approximately 310 votes cast, 1 voted for NOTA (None of the Above) and 4 voted for NPF (Naga People’s Front). He shared a light-hearted anecdote, mentioning that some elders inadvertently voted for the wrong symbol due to poor eyesight.



Did Sukhalu promise to construct the village council hall?

According to Zhimomi, during Sukhalu’s campaign visit to their village, the villagers did not seek any favors or inducements from the advisor. However, Zhimomi recalls that their campaign took place in their village council hall that was quite old.


“Perhaps the Advisor remembered this and decided to assist us,” he speculated.



How the village feels about the recognition

“We are extremely delighted because we may be the first in Nagaland who have genuinely ensured a free and fair election. Many people inquire about how our village accomplished this. My response is that we need transparency, the happiness of the villagers, and the consultation of the entire community. We must prioritize development. I am confident that all of us can achieve this,” he expressed.


Regarding the announcement made by the Advisor, Zhimomi stated, “When the villagers learned about it, we were overjoyed. We are truly grateful to the Advisor.”


Zhimomi expressed his hope that people would be inspired by their village and strive for more free and fair elections. He believed that this approach would lead to better governance and development.



Mokokchung Times

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