Dimapur, 7 October (MTNews): A company based in Kerala, operating under Harrisons Malayalam Limited (HML), has once again extended its presence in Nagaland. This resurgence of activity is reminiscent of its initial foray into the rubber industry in the state. The latest developments were discussed during a media interaction held on 5 October at the Toka Multipurpose Society in Purana Bazaar, Dimapur.

At this event, CEO Nitu Raj shared insights into the company’s renewed focus on the northeastern region of India, particularly highlighting the vast potential for rubber farming in Nagaland. Working in partnership with the Toka Multipurpose Society, the company has been actively involved in harvesting various fruits available in local markets, including the renowned juicy pineapples.

In discussing the challenges and opportunities in the state’s supply chain, CEO Nitu Raj emphasized the paramount importance of ensuring the sustainability of rubber farming. He stressed that the company’s objective is not to exploit farmers but to ensure they receive their rightful earnings without intermediaries taking a cut.

Nitu Raj revealed that the company has already acquired nearly 10,000 acres of land in Nagaland for various projects. This initiative aims to create employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth in the state.

Additionally, he highlighted Nagaland’s growing reputation as a ‘pride farmer’ state in India due to its fertile soil and diverse agricultural produce.

The focal point of Thursday’s press conference was rubber plantation, a sector that not only holds economic viability but also promises sustainability for farmers after seven years of planting.

Earlier this year, a four-member team from the company visited Nagaland to explore business opportunities in rubber and fruits. They discussed various aspects, including marketing, trading, and the purchase of different grades of processed rubber such as ribbed smoked sheets and Indian standard natural rubber.

Kathi Chishi, representing the Toka Multipurpose Society, expressed their mission to source materials from small farmers, aiming to create a chain reaction that enables farmers to produce high-quality rubber using modern techniques. This approach ensures a consistent and equitable income for farmers throughout the year.

The company’s interest in Nagaland extends beyond rubber plantations and encompasses related sectors, including replanting, maintenance, harvesting, and processing, with a focus on marketing rubber produced in the state.

Recognizing the state’s potential, the visiting team acknowledged that the 86 lakh hectares of land under rubber cultivation have the capacity to significantly boost Nagaland’s economy.
It is worth noting that the collaboration between the Toka Multipurpose Cooperative Society in Nagaland and HML officials initiated the company’s expansion into the rubber business in the state.

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