KVK Mokokchung conducts Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting

2023-01-27 | 23:58h
2023-01-27 | 23:58h

Mokokchung, January 27 (MTNews): The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Mokokchung conducted Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting for the year 2023-2024 today at ADC Planning Conference Hall. The meeting commenced with the participation of the Heads of Agri and Allied Departments and progressive farmers who constitute the committee. Dr Keviletsu Khate, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Mokokchung welcomed the committee members.


Temsuinla Jamir, Joint Director SARS pronounced the opening remark for the commencement of the meeting. In her opening remark, she stated that the meeting is and will be a good forum to brainstorm for the benefit of the farming community. A brief highlight of the progress and achievements of the Kendra for the year 2022-23 was presented by Imtisenla, ACTO (Agronomy). The Annual Action Plan for the year 2023-24 was presented by Tokiho Achumi, ACTO (Agronomy), followed by discussion and recommendation from the members.




Some notable recommendations to the Annual Action Plan 2023-24 emerged during the meeting and incorporated in the approved action plan included focusing on technology for nutritional security in addition to enhancing income of the farmers, strengthening technology expansion and extension services utilizing the strength of village level platforms like church and SHGs in dissemination of agricultural technologies, reviving Jhum fallow through appropriate soil analysis and management, assessment and popularizing poultry breed Kadaknath with special reference to health and nutritional aspects it provides, potential avenues in promoting Moringa cultivation as feed supplements for livestock and poultry, and promoting mixed cropping of coffee with shade loving indigenous crops. Technology support on rejuvenation of the declining orange cultivation in the district was also recommended.


2023 being the International Year of Millets, the committee emphasized on collaborated training programs and extension activities for promotion and production aspects with more focus on maintenance of pure line local cultivars in order to conserve local germplasms to meet the aspiration and needs of future generations.


Dr BM Sunep, Chief Veterinary Officer in his closing remarks emphasized on strengthening the strategies of the activities through convergence of Agri & Allied departments in order to achieve self-sufficiency and sustainability of each farming family.


The program was chaired by Dr Sarendi Walling, ACTO (Animal Science) with Ningshiyangerla Walling, SMS (Agro-meteorology) and Moainla Longkumer (Technical Officer) as rapporteurs.


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