Mokokchung, July 22 (MTNews): The District AgroMet Unit (DAMU), KVK Mokokchung has today issued a summary of a 5-day weather forecast for Mokokchung district which is valid up to 27th July, 2022.


According to the forecast, light to moderate rainfall (9-27 mm) is expected till 27th July. Sky will be cloudy and the expected day temperature is 29-30°C while night temperature will drop to 20-21°C.


Average relative humidity during morning hours will be up to 98% and average relative humidity during evening hours will be 85%.


During 28th July to 3rd August, Nagaland is likely to receive normal rainfall (103.4 mm) and experience normal temperature maximum (27.2°C) and normal temperature minimum (21.3°C). At isolated places over the district there is warning for thunderstorms with lightning and heavy rain very likely on July 23 and 24.

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