It is interesting to note that food grains under Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Priority Household (PHH) are to be distributed exclusively through Aadhar-enabled ePOS machines in Mokokchung Town from October onwards. This will ensure reduced fraud and corruption, improved targeting of beneficiaries, and more efficient distribution of food grains. In Mokokchung, or in Nagaland for that matter, most well-meaning policies fail to be implemented for umpteen reasons. It is hoped that this policy will be effectively implemented so that it will not only achieve its intended goals but also set a precedent for other similar policies to succeed.


The Public Distribution System (PDS) is one of the largest social welfare programs in the world, and Aadhaar-enabled PDS is a significant step towards making it more efficient and transparent. As we know, Aadhaar is a unique identification number that is assigned to every Indian citizen, and it can be used to verify the identity of PDS beneficiaries. There are several benefits to using Aadhaar in the PDS. First, it can help to eliminate duplicate and bogus ration cards. Second, it can help to ensure that food grains are distributed to the right people. Third, it can help to reduce corruption and leakages in the system. Aadhaar-enabled PDS has been implemented in several states across India, and it has been successful in reducing fraud and corruption. For example, in Andhra Pradesh, Aadhaar-enabled PDS has helped to save the government over Rs 1,000 crores per year.


However, there are also some concerns about Aadhaar-enabled PDS. One concern is that it could lead to the exclusion of eligible beneficiaries. Another concern is that it could violate the privacy of individuals. To address these concerns, it is important to ensure that Aadhaar-enabled PDS is implemented in a sensitive and inclusive manner. For example, the government should make sure that there are alternative mechanisms in place for beneficiaries who do not have Aadhaar numbers. Additionally, the government should take steps to protect the privacy of individuals’ Aadhaar data.


Overall, Aadhaar-enabled PDS is a positive step towards making the PDS more efficient and transparent. Nonetheless, it is important to note that Aadhaar-enabled PDS is still in its early stages of implementation, and there are many lessons to be learned. The government should continue to monitor the system and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it is working as intended.

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