The word SPOUSE is derived from the Latin terms spônsus and spônsa, meaning “betrothed man” and “betrothed woman”.

I am not here to discuss about the meaning of this Middle English word, but to give a perspective of the life of a spouse – either the husband or the wife in a married couple.

Everyone will have their own experiences in their journey of life, but the social system plays a vital role in shaping those experiences, because humans are social beings.

Union of a male and female has been a compulsive love affair because it is the only possible way for human existence. Marriage has been an institution that has existed in the Indian society since time immemorial. It has been the central draft of all the forms of human society which are a part of civilization.

When we need to discuss about the life of a Spouse, we must understand how marriage plays a pivotal meaning in establishing the root of a relationship. Marriage as a form of relationship is not impulsive in nature, just like many other forms of relationship.

Any human who considers himself a social animal, builds relationships for various needs, maybe physical, emotional, financial etc. In India marriage is considered to be a sacred institution, which is accepted by society as a social institution.

But nowadays we can see the failure of this sacred institution among the new generation.

This can result in weakening of the social order.

The society starts from home itself and it is necessary to sustain the family system to maintain the social order.

When we dive into the indigenous traditional family systems of India, we can find a common culture with diverse forms.

This civilization survived practicing those indigenous practices.

The feminism has become more about deconstructing the traditional marriage institution than empowering the women.

As a child, we always wanted our relationship to be stable like our parents and we are sent to school as a child.

It must be noted that a child spends majority of his time at home, so family system plays an important role in the life of a child. I think it is necessary to organize the education system to shape constructive narrative instead of destructive. If we consider the life as a journey, then our spouse acts as a close companion and close witness of our life.

In the Indian tradition, a woman is considered half of her husband and thus completes him. While a man is also considered incomplete without a woman.

If we look into some life writing works in literature, we will find how each story varies and how some elements relates them to each other. When a marriage is held, two different personalities join their hands on this journey of life.

There are many barriers that act as a challenge in this journey, but our civilization and society has survived these barriers.

When any institution is made sacred, it practically keeps the people connected and does not stay confined within the legal formalities.

Even the Supreme Court emphasized that a Hindu marriage is a ‘samskara’ and a sacrament, and should be treated as an institution of great value in Indian society.

It has been observed that various external forces are actively involved in disintegrating the family system of India.

People are taught to have a standard view point of husband and wife separately, so that the husband can fight for man rights and wife can fight for women rights.

The importance of Indian marriage system is neglected in the name of Cultural Revolution among the youngsters.

The children are directly or indirectly affected by this external force. We no more idealise the Indian traditional family system because we think it does not match the standard of the western family system.

When we say the term “LIFE OF A SPOUSE”, we are not talking about the experiences of a single individual, instead the mixed experience of two individuals.

The two individuals form a family and becomes part of the society, and the entire process does not stay confined to individual happiness but for contributes to the welfare of the nation too.

In conclusion, the life of a spouse is deeply influenced by the institution of marriage, which has been central to human society, especially in India.

Marriage is more than just a legal contract; it is a sacred institution that forms the foundation of family and social order.

The union of a husband and wife is not only about their individual experiences but also about their shared journey, contributing to the stability and welfare of society.

The traditional Indian family system holds significant value, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals within the broader social framework.

Understanding the life of a spouse involves recognizing the importance of maintaining strong family bonds and appreciating the role of marriage in shaping a cohesive and enduring society.

Neptune Barman is pursuing MA in English at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Nalbari, Assam.
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