The United Naga Council (UNC) has issued a pressing appeal to the Meiteis and the Kuki-Zo group, urging them to immediately halt their targeted aggression, provocations, and assaults against the Nagas, along with their residences and properties in both the Imphal valley and also in the peripheral hill areas.

“Should this appeal go disrespected in Imphal valley, we will have no option but to call upon the Nagas in Imphal valley to vacate for taking up further appropriate measures thereafter”, the UNC said in a statement.

“On the same line, should the Kuki-Zo group continue with their targeting of Nagas, free access to Naga township and villages and free passage across Naga areas will have to be prohibited,” it added.

In response to a series of alarming incidents, the UNC recounted numerous instances of violence perpetrated against Nagas, ranging from assaults and arson to shootings and kidnappings.

The UNC statement elaborated on the casualties resulting from the Nagas’ stance of neutrality in pursuit of peace and communal harmony following the violence on May 3, 2023. Among the documented incidents, on May 24, 2023, a mob in Imphal attacked and assaulted four Naga women from Ukhrul. On June 18, 2023, a Liangmai Naga residence was set ablaze in Leimakhong by individuals identified as Kukis. Tragically, on July 16, 2023, a Maring Naga woman was fatally shot in Sawombung, Imphal, and her body was discovered mutilated.

Further instances included a Liangmai farmer being assaulted by Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA) cadres on the Imphal-Tamei road on September 5, 2023, for refusing to pay illegal taxes. On September 27, 2023, Naga leaders faced brazen gunshots in Kangpokpi, in what the UNC described as an outrageous attempt at murder by a self-proclaimed Kuki National Front (KNF) cadre.

Continuing the narrative, on December 3, 2023, three Tangkhul men were subjected to violence by armed Meiteis in Sawombung, Imphal. Subsequently, on December 11, 2023, two Rongmei Naga girls were assaulted at Bishnupur Bazaar, while a Naga driver from Tamenglong was attacked in Imphal. Additionally, on December 18, 2023, four Naga girls employed at a beauty parlor were abducted in Imphal.

The UNC further reported incidents occurring in January 2024, including the kidnapping of a Tangkhul Naga boy from Mantripukhri, Imphal, on January 29, 2024, and the abduction and hostage-taking of two Zeliangrong Nagas from Bishnupur district on January 31, 2023.

In addition to these incidents, the UNC also said the following “unwarranted and unacceptable acts” were also perpetrated upon the Nagas alleging that Nagas were subjected to unwarranted cutting off inter village roads/blockade/construction of bunkers/checking/frisking/extortion of taxes along the National Highways and inter-district roads by armed Kuki militants and womenfolk. Frisking/checking, violent behaviour, kidnapping, looting and extortion were meted out against Nagas in Imphal valley; collection of money from citizens on highways by meira paibis in the name of waging war against a community, the UNC added.

“In all these acts of violence, intimidation, disrespect and insult, the common admission of mistaken identity have been cited. In the interest of peace in spite of the extreme provocations, Nagas have addressed the many sensitive situations and sought to resolve them through customary laws and practices. Yet time and again our people have been attacked with impunity, making mockery of the many agreements and resolutions for restoration of peace and good relations,” the UNC further said.

It then said the “Meitei legislators, in the face of the Kangla capitulation on January 24, 2024 cannot claim anymore to be the Government of the entire State of Manipur and has limited its powers, functions and relevance to the valley and the Meitei community only”. Not to speak of reining in the non-State actors, it has allowed itself to be dictated and co-opted, the UNC alleged. “It is no wonder that the attacks on Nagas in Imphal valley have not been prevented or addressed with State instruments as it should be with a State Government in place,” the UNC stated.

“The Meitei legislators and the Government of India owe it to the people of India to explain what it has been doing for the last 9 months with the situation going from bad to worse day by day, while Nagas have become victims of its neutrality to the conflict,” the UNC further stated.

The UNC reiterated its urgent appeal to both the Meiteis and the Kuki-Zo group to cease their targeted aggression against Nagas and cautioned that continued disregard for this appeal may result in severe consequences. Additionally, the UNC warned that persistent targeting of Nagas by the Kuki-Zo group may necessitate restrictions on access to Naga territories. Additionally, the UNC cautioned that if the Kuki-Zo group persists in targeting Nagas, access to Naga townships, villages, and areas may be restricted.

Mokokchung Times

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