Mokokchung, 27 March (MTNews): The Mokokchung College of Teacher Education (MCTE), Yimyu observed the ‘World Theatre Day’ on the 27 March with ‘Explore the effectiveness of Drama-Based Pedagogy’ as the objective of the celebration.

The event was organized under the initiative and facilitation of Temjenzungba Kechu, Assistant Professor of MCTE, Yimyu who has an MA in Applied Theatre, University of London and PGD from Dramatic Arts, National School of Drama, New Delhi, an update said.
The event witnessed enthralling and creative performances devised and showcased by the 2nd Semester student-teachers of MCTE, using various drama-based tools and learning approaches such as clowning ‘The Thief,’ dramatizing the folk story of ‘Mehouviu and Morusa,’ human puppeteering of ‘The Refund,’ improvisation of ‘Environmental Pollution,’ melodramatizing ‘Macbeth,’ pantomiming ‘The Gift of the Magi,’ and shadow playing ‘The Three Brothers.’
The event focused on the process and pedagogical approach to how students learn and engage with concepts and skills using the tools of drama rather than the theatrical outcome.
“Incorporation of drama-based pedagogy into the teaching-learning process enables students to inquire into and interpret new ideas as they extend their understandings of the world and engage in academic, affective, and aesthetic learning through dialogic meaning-making,” it said.
Performances in ‘real-time’ can enable students to make their knowledge and perspectives visible and available which makes learning more relational and representational within a shared imagined context. Drama-based Pedagogy provides a powerful alternative in transforming and empowering the consciousness of the learners which in turn will transform their lives and enable them to create a socially just society.
The event was attended by both the 4th and 2nd Semester student-teachers and teacher-educators and non-teaching faculty of the college.