Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, MLA and Leader of the NPF Legislature Party, has expressed deep concern over a series of unexpected and alarming events that have transpired in Nagaland over the past few months. In a statement released today, Nienu described these events as a “matter of grave concern” and a wake-up call for the government, emphasizing that they require serious consideration due to their potential far-reaching consequences.

Nienu highlighted the impeachment of Kitovi Zhimomi as the Ato Kilonser of the GPRN/NSCN during an extraordinary emergency National Assembly meeting at the GPRN/NSCN’s designated camp in Khehoi on April 21, 2024. He noted that Kitovi, a prominent Naga leader involved in peace talks with the Narendra Modi government and the Convener of the Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs), played a crucial role in the 2017 signing of the ‘Agreed Position.’

Nienu pointed out the recent declaration of Lieut. Gen. (Retd.) Hs. Ramsan, VC, Executive Member of the Steering Committee, and Lieut. Gen. Absalom Raman, MM, MC, Deputy Longvibu of the Naga Army, as anti-nationals. Both were terminated from the party and national service by the Yaruiwo of the GPRN, NSCN (I-M), on July 18, 2024.

Nienu also addressed the broader issue of ceasefire agreements between the Government of India and various Naga Political Groups, which he said have led to the proliferation of factions, rampant extortion, multiple taxation, and intimidation of business establishments by both groups and anti-social elements.

He cited the assassination of Abdul Kayum Talukdar, Gaon Bura (GB) of New Market, on June 7, 2024, as a shocking example. Talukdar was shot near an ATM booth in Signal Bosti, Dimapur, by unidentified miscreants and later succumbed to his injuries.

Other incidents include the abduction of two employees from a road work company in Peren District on June 28, 2024, reportedly by members of the Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF), and a shooting incident in NST Colony, Dimapur, on July 18, 2024, where an employee of Ankit Transport was shot by armed miscreants.

Nienu criticized the government and law enforcement agencies for failing to curb the menace of illegal taxation. He noted that some associations have been collecting money from the business community under the pretext of running their offices, leading to market shutdowns and significant public inconvenience.

Nienu also mentioned a warning issued by the NSCN (I-M) to the Arambai Tengol, a Manipur-based Meitei organization, on July 22, 2024, not to treat Christians “as if to get rid of the dirt.” He described this as a threat to peace and tolerance.

Furthermore, Nienu highlighted a powerful bomb explosion near the Indo-Myanmar border on July 24, 2024, suspected to have been planted by the Kuki National Army (Burma). The explosion claimed the life of Major Huseya Assumi, a senior NSCN (I-M) functionary, and injured two others.

Nienu warned that such disturbing trends could lead to total social unrest and uncertainty, posing a significant challenge to the rule of law. He urged the government to pay attention to these warning signs and take appropriate steps to prevent the rise of violence. He stressed the importance of staying informed, vigilant, and prepared to counter disruptive forces that threaten to destabilize the region.

“As we grapple with the uncertainties, we ought to take proactive steps to mitigate the dangers and ensure our collective resilience in the face of adversity,” Nienu added.


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