Mokokchung College of Teacher Education (MCTE), Yimyu, celebrated its 13th Induction Program for the new batch of student teachers (2024-26) on August 14, 2024.

Mokokchung MCTE
Nokchanaro, representing the senior batch, warmly welcomed the freshers, encouraging them to support one another as they embark on their educational journey. On behalf of the freshers, Yangersenla from the 1st semester expressed her gratitude and excitement about being part of MCTE, where she looks forward to learning and growing under the guidance of the faculty.

Dr Temsurenla, the Vice Principal, urged the student teachers to remain committed to their goals, replacing procrastination with action. She emphasized the importance of ‘Pertinacity’ and ‘Consistency,’ noting that these qualities would lead to success, even when the path seems daunting and challenging.

The formal program was followed by an informal session featuring student performances, aimed at strengthening the bond within the MCTE family. The event marked the beginning of an enriching and transformative experience for the new batch.


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