The Mokokchung District Volleyball Association (MDVA) held its annual general meeting and induction of new office bearers on 21 July at MDVA Treasurer I Temsu Jamir’s residence in Sangtemla ward, Mokokchung.

Imtipokyim, President of MDVA, welcomed all members to the meeting, while Lakhi Longkumer, Executive Member of MDVA, delivered a short speech. In his speech, he reflected on the 28 years of MDVA and the various initiatives and works of the association. He appreciated the voluntary service rendered by members and encouraged all the members to continue serving the association for the greater good.

Allen Imchen, Vice-President of MDVA, initiated the induction of four new members into the association. General, Audit, and Nominating reports were presented, and new office bearers were elected for the 2024-2026 tenure.

The new office bearers are: Imtipokyim, President, Allen Imchen, Vice-President, Saruba Ozukum, General Secretary, Imkongsunep, Assistant General Secretary, Temjenlemba Aier, Finance Secretary, and Sanenlong, Assistant Finance Secretary.

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