Thought leaders are people who, based on their experience and expertise, offer unique guidance, inspires innovation and influences others. They are the people who give well-rounded answers to complicated questions. Thought leaders may be called initiators of ideas and opinions. They are the opinion makers who help mold public opinion and influence people to make the right choices or ask the right questions. Thought leaders have the ability to influence the community. They are more than just experts in their field and they are the go-to people when it comes to seeking solutions to difficult situations. They can be a company, a group or individuals.


A number of athletes from the neighboring states competed in the recently held Commonwealth Games 2022. They even made podium finishes. None from Nagaland. Why? It is difficult to answer that question. The answer seems to be so near yet so far. Is there anybody in Mokokchung who is able to answer why Nagaland is faring so poorly behind other states in the field of games and sports? The same can be said of almost every other field of endeavor, be it environmental issues, music, academia, economics, politics, healthcare or tourism.



If we are to be honest with ourselves, we will all agree that people in places like Kohima and Dimapur are way ahead of us in almost all walks of life. It could be because there is a brain drain from Mokokchung where all the best minds in Mokokchung are all leaving for Kohima and Dimapur. Whatever be the reason, it is high time for those of us who are staying back in Mokokchung to seriously ponder upon the question as to why we are lagging so far behind others. As stated numerous times in this column, people of Mokokchung are not even ready to voice out their opinion on matters of public interest. As such, since we don’t have any opinion on any issue, those ‘smarter’ people in Kohima, Dimapur and elsewhere are influencing us without us even knowing it. In other words, their opinion becomes our opinion because we do not have an opinion of our own.


It is undeniably true that there was a time when others looked up to the thought leaders of Mokokchung to form their opinion on matters of public importance but it is no longer the case today. Rather, it looks like a drastic role reversal happened somewhere along the way. If we want a progressive Mokokchung, we will have to find among ourselves thought leaders who can guide us forward. Nobody is coming to Mokokchung to solve our issues. It is us, the people of Mokokchung ourselves, who will make Mokokchung a progressive or regressive community.



Mokokchung Times

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