Mokokchung, 29 September (MTNews): The Mokokchung Municipal Council (MMC) has informed that, in pursuance of the directive received from the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, a mass cleanliness drive will be conducted on Saturday, 30 September 2023 from 7:00 am to 8:00 am within Mokokchung Municipal jurisdiction.


In this regard, all the wards and business establishments/ shopkeepers have been directed to take part in the cleanliness drive. All the business establishments in the town have also been directed to keep their shops closed during the 1-hour period as mentioned above.


Further, it was informed that all the participants in the mass cleanliness drive are requested to bring their own water bottle, broom, jute sack/sack etc. and that collected plastic should be properly kept in one location and inform the MMC for collection of the same. It was also informed that no single use plastic items should be used during the event.


Accordingly, the MMC has informed that the work distribution for the mass cleanliness drive would be as follows (see table):




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Copyright © Mokokchung Times
9 thoughts on “Mokokchung Town to observe mass cleanliness drive on 30 September; MMC issues guidelines, work distribution”
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