Mokokchung, 9 September (MTNews): Fulfilling a much felt need, the Office chambers of the Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (Mokokchung Town Youth Organization) was formally dedicated by Rev Dr Bendang Longkumer, the Pastor of Artang Baptist Church on Saturday, 9 September.


(Sitting L-R): Rev Dr Bendang Longkumer, President Imnaonen Pongen, General Secretary Imkongchuba Pongen and Mrs Alemla (house owner) along with other MTLT officials and executives after the formal dedication of the Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem office chambers at Arkong Ward on 9 September.


The newly dedicated office comprising a President’s Chamber, a General Secretary cum media and publicity office, a Conference Hall and a foyer is located in the middle of the town in Arkong Ward. The Office chambers were refurbished after the RTO, Mokokchung shifted its office to its new building in Kumlong Ward.


The Pastor, Rev Dr Bendang Longkumer, before the dedicatory prayer, exhorted the MTLT to always keep God in the front while working for the welfare of the people. Speaking from the Book of 1 Corinthians 10: 31, the Reverend encouraged the Mokokchung Town youths to always do everything for the glory of God. Additionally, he quoted the Book of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…” Reverend Bendang inspired the MTLT to take strength from the Lord so that they might be bold and stand in truth as they work for the people.


The first President of MTLT, Imkongsanen Imchen, while delivering a short speech, delved on the formative history of the organization during its early days. He said that the MTLT had to face many hurdles during the early days, yet it was the prayer of the parents and the constant support of the MTLT members who sustained it thus far.


Likewise, he highly appreciated the present office bearers who have taken the task of opening a dedicated office in the town. He further encouraged the present MTLT office bearers to always keep the welfare of the people first, be bold, stand for the truth and work for the general well being of the people.


The MTLT President, Imnaonen Pongen, while delivering the welcome address, appreciated all who have contributed towards the successful opening of the Office Chambers which was much needed for an organization of the MTLT’s stature which stands on its motto ‘always vigilant’. He further acknowledged all the MTLT members and also the citizens who have generously donated towards the furnishing of the office. He also deeply appreciated the landlord Mr & Mrs L Yanger Aier for leasing the building to the MTLT.


The program was chaired by General Secretary Imkongchuba Pongen while the Assistant General Secretary Moarenba invoked God’s blessings.

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