Long after the Eastern Naga People’s Organisation (ENPO), Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC), Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) abandoned the once close knit Naga Hoho (NH), for becoming a paid propaganda tool, Mr. H.K Zhimomi and Elu Ndang, the so-called President and General Secretary continue to sink further in the eyes of Nagas, making insensitive remarks sitting atop a directionless Hoho. The degenerated and biased narrative do not reflect the sentiment of the Naga people in any manner.

The ruling and opposition party leaders in India, including Mr. Rahul Gandhi, so also every sane Naga understands that GoI initiated and concluded Political Negotiations with two Naga entities, the NSCN (IM) with Framework Agreement as concluding document in 2015, and with WC, NNPGs with Agreed Position signed on 17th November 2017, as a preamble agreement allowing the negotiators to touch all core issues concerning Naga history, identity and political rights. The Naga people, irrespective of political and administrative boundaries, have all understood the political reality through the WC, NNPGs Status Paper, released to the Naga people after the official conclusion of Negotiations on 31st October 2019.

The current Naga Hoho, if they really represented the Naga people, would have saved themselves from further embarrassment had they approached Mr. Rahul Gandhi with inclusive views on the Indo-Naga political issue. Strangely, these unprincipled few, who very often blames the past congress governments for the Indo-Naga imbroglio, for once, cosied up to a visiting congress leader and took potshots at current BJP government at the centre. Tomorrow the script is different. They will curse congress party again and sing paeans to Prime Minister Modi. It is really a misfortune that the present Naga generation has to listen and read the blabbering’s of these irrational jobless pseudo-intellectuals.

It required the NH to appraise the visiting congress leader with a common Naga approach. Naga people needed NH to speak for future generations by boldly conveying to Mr. Rahul Gandhi that early honorable and acceptable political solution, that which is practical in the present intricate geo-political environment in SE Asia, was the only way forward for peaceful Nagaland and NE. Alas, each member clamoured to speak for himself serving the purpose of Hebron camp alone, which is nowhere a common Naga narrative. Mr. HK Zhimomi or Elu Ndang do not understand the head or tail of FA 2015 and it’s contents yet they had to appear all knowing. No wonder they are called NAGA HAHA! These fellows using the Naga Hoho banner is a disgrace. NH has become an avenue for some to earn their bread by insulting the Naga people’s intelligence.

NH work for two purposes:
One, to keep bluffing Indian leaders and outside world using NH banner by parroting what is parroted to them in Hebron camp. This genre of artificial intelligence is driving the Naga family further apart. Selective memory on Indo-Naga issue by Naga Hoho and few recently formed high sounding forums is to thwart a just and honorable political solution. They write to mislead the GoI and prolong Naga people’s aspiration. Their expression is clear that they exist to sow further discord and division in Naga homeland. Indeed, they will be answerable at an appropriate time.

Two, the appalling attempt to stay relevant by pushing in irrelevant agendas in the already mutually concluded political negotiations is only delaying the Naga people of their right to live with dignity, honour and respect. Who is profiting from this delaying business? Can the Naga people allow a discarded and unmandated organisation like the NH, on a payroll of a master, with neither a single tribe affiliated nor a territorial influence in Nagaland or outside, continue its delusional path?

The WC, NNPGs have laid the negotiated status paper before the Naga people. The Naga tribes, the state Government, civil societies and Naga intellectuals have all commented on its practical feasibility without compromising Naga history and identity. All core political and administrative matters in the Post solution scenarios have been structured for honorable and acceptable existence. The Naga people and their ancestral lands in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam have been adequately safeguarded through proposed constitutional guarantees. The Government of India (GoI) has made its position clear. Those seemingly conniving to sabotage and prolong the Indo-Naga political solution for personal gains will be on the dark side of history.

Media Cell: WC, NNPGs.

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