Dimapur, November 9 (MTNews): Expressing sadness over the unfortunate incident that took place between Lamhainamdi village of Peren district and Kiyevi Village of Chumoukedima district, Nagaland on November 7, the Naga Hoho has suggested that the long pending issue between the two villages needs to be resolved amicably through Nagas’ traditional way.


Saying that the Naga Hoho strongly believes that any dispute can be mutually resolved through peaceful means, it stated, “Through violence, there is no means to resolve any differences but only leads to further destructions and loss of lives.”


While suggesting settling the issue through traditional Naga way, the Naga Hoho also appealed to both groups to let “good understanding prevail in a Christian principle so as permanent relationship can be restored asgood neighbors.”


“At a time when every Naga is waiting for a peaceful political solution, there should be no misunderstanding or hatred among the family members but rather strengthen the bond of brotherhood,” Naga Hoho further said.


The Hoho further calls upon the state government to immediately initiate dialogue with the two confronting parties and resolve in a peaceful way. There should not be further recurrence of such unwanted situation in the future.

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