The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM) on Tuesday at an emergency national council meeting held at their headquarters Camp Hebron have resolved that there will be no compromise on their demand for a separate flag and constitution.

The national assembly was attended by all the top leaders from both the civil and military wings of the group. Addressing the national assembly, chairman of the NSCN (IM), Q. Tuccu said that, political exigencies had compelled the group to call for the national assembly as the pressing situation prompted them to reaffirm their stand after government of India expressed its opposition to honor the usage of the Naga flag and constitution that symbolized Naga national identity.
The chairman said that the Naga national flag and constitution cannot be forfeited in the name of Naga political solution.
“Today, the hour of reckoning has come. This is the moment of truth we have to face. Hundreds of thousands have given their lives for the freedom of Nagas, and responsibility is on our shoulders to fulfill their prayers and dreams for an honourable political settlement that sees the Naga national flag flying high,” Chairman Q. Tuccu said.
He further said, “We have to prove ourselves before God and the whole world that we the NSCN members, the frontline torch-bearers of Naga political movement shall stand the ground until the last man standing in defense of our God given rights.” He said that the day was a momentous occasion which will decide the future of the Naga nation for years to come.
Tuccu also said after seven decades of the Naga freedom movement, the group had been compelled to call for this national assembly to reaffirm its stand. “How can we forfeit the Naga national flag and constitution in the name of a political solution? What belongs to us that define our political identity can never be compromised for the sweet morsel in the name of Naga political settlement. We cannot be made a laughing stock before the world by tamely succumbing to pressure or temptation,” he said.
The NSCN-IM and the Centre had signed a historic framework agreement on August 3, 2015. Recalling the agreement, Tuccu said, “We signed the historic framework agreement with deep political insight, taking into consideration the Naga people’s sovereign rights and dignity. We have applied our historical and political intuition while signing the agreement. Unfortunately, there are forces at work who are trying to undermine its political significance of the Framework Agreement by giving wrongful interpretation…”
He said the sovereign identity of the Nagas was prominently reflected in the framework agreement. “That much care we have taken and not the other way round as maliciously propagated by few political leaders that Naga flag and constitution, including integration are not mentioned in the Framework Agreement.” He further said that the bitter irony is that every attempt is being made to confuse the Naga people on the political significance of the Framework Agreement where the future of Naga political journey is laid out.
“The past record of political agreements with India has given us bitter lessons and we have to stand guard against any Naga accord that betrayed our rights and national identity,” he added.
Resolutions Adopted
The national assembly also adopted three resolutions which included proclamation of Naga National Prayer Day, Reaffirmation of Nagalim for Christ, and Naga National Decision. As per the resolution, the third Sunday of October has been designated as the Naga National Prayer Day. The national assembly also reaffirmed ‘Nagalim for Christ’ while declaring that it is opposed to imposition of one’s faith upon the other and forbid forcible conversion of faith in any manner, saying that faith is a matter of persuasion and conviction of individuals. The assembly also adopted the Naga National Decision to uphold and protect the Naga unique history and Naga national principle at any cost.