Bangalore, 24 September: The Naga Students’ Union Bangalore (NSUB) marked its 52nd Annual Freshers Cum Nagas Night with a grand celebration of cultural diversity and unity,  bringing together hundreds of Nagas from across Bangalore to celebrate cultural diversity and unity.




The 52nd Annual Freshers Cum Nagas Night, organized by the Naga Students’ Union Bangalore (NSUB), was a resounding success, uniting over 900 Nagas residing in and around Bangalore on Saturday, 23 September 2023. Held at the India Campus Crusade for Christ in Bangalore, the event embraced the theme of “Cultural Mosaic: Orchestrating Unity across Borders.” It proved to be a vibrant tapestry of Naga culture, transcending geographical boundaries and honoring the roots and identity of the Nagas as a united and undivided community.


Scores of individuals, representing diverse backgrounds, ranks, and positions, came together to make the event a testament to inclusivity. Special guests included Mrs Chaitali Panmei IRS, Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax for Goa and Karnataka, Dr Along Jamir, Director (Translations) at “The Bible Society of India,” and Dr. Marchang Reimeingam, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, who all graced the occasion.


Mrs Chaitali Panmei, in her address, urged students to embrace hard work and discipline, emphasizing that these qualities are essential for achieving significant accomplishments. She underscored the rich cultural heritage of Naga society, reminding all to cherish their origins and commended the dedication of NSUB’s office bearers and all involved in organizing the grand event.


Dr Along Jamir, drawing from historical lessons, stressed the importance of unity as the foundation for progress, peace, and perseverance, whether on a global or local scale. His words resonated with the audience, highlighting the significance of unity in the Naga community.


The event’s success was made possible by generous sponsors, including Seven Sisters, Maven Kitchen, Korean Clothing Bangalore, Pixie Unisex Salon Spa, Elate Salon, Hm Artistic Flo, and King Chilli. The media partner, Rule of Thirds, played a pivotal role in promoting the event.


The evening commenced with a lively performance by the Zealingrong dance troupe, captivating the audience with their vibrant cultural dance. Arhoni C Jungio and Khanreimung Awungshi ably hosted the event, creating an engaging atmosphere for all in attendance.


NSUB President Senstuthung Odyuo welcomed the gathering, emphasizing that diversity is a source of strength, transcending geographical borders. A heartfelt speech on behalf of the freshers was delivered by Neipherenuo Kire. Rev Dr Reihe, Pastor of the Poumai Naga Fellowship Bangalore, offered prayers for the freshers present, imparting a spiritual dimension to the event.



The first session was followed by a sumptuous Naga feast, setting the stage for mesmerizing performances by various solo artists and groups during the second session. The highlight of the evening was the NSUB Mr and Miss Freshers contest, where Sumenron Odyuo and Illi Ayemi were crowned Mr and Miss Fresher of NSUB 2023, representing Lotha unit and Sumi unit, respectively.


JN Roziine, Cultural Secretary of NSUB, expressed heartfelt gratitude at the end of the event, acknowledging the collective efforts that made the night memorable. The evening concluded on a spiritual note with a benediction delivered by Yimkum Murry, Pastor of Lotha Fellowship Bangalore, leaving attendees with a sense of unity, cultural pride, and cherished memories.


Closing Statement: NSUB’s 52nd Annual Freshers Cum Nagas Night showcased the vibrant tapestry of Naga culture and the power of unity amidst diversity. It was a testament to the enduring spirit of the Naga community and an event that will be remembered for years to come.



Mokokchung Times

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