The Naga Students’ Union, Delhi (NSUD) celebrated the 78th Naga Independence Day at Lodhi Colony, New Delhi. Delivering the welcome address, Jepi Y Chisho, President of NSUD, reflected on the sacrifices made by their forebears and the foundation they laid.

Naga Delhi NSUD Independence

He emphasized that it is now up to the present generation of Nagas to carry forward the Naga political aspirations. He asserted that while celebrating the resilience of the Naga people thus far, they must also look towards strengthening their resolve for the realization of Naga political aspirations.

Hepuni Kayina, Senior Pastor of Mao Baptist Church, Delhi, delivered a powerful keynote speech in which he highlighted the differences between the dreams of their ancestors and those of the current generation. He reminded the audience of the many sacrifices their ancestors made in their collective pursuit of freedom. Drawing inspiration from how Israel emerged free after centuries of subjugation, he called upon the younger generation of Nagas to strengthen their resolve toward freedom and self-determination. He quoted A.Z. Phizo, saying, “We shall do all humanly possible so that we will not go down in shame.” He added that while they may be invaded, they must not be subjugated.

After a special prayer pronounced by Caleb Mpamei, Pastor of Zeliangrong Christian Fellowship, Delhi, Ningreichon Tungshang delivered a message from the Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights, followed by a message from the Naga Scholars’ Association, delivered by Dr R Khongreiwo.


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