Nagaland’s own Limasunep Imchen, known as “The Naga Zombie,” faced a challenging defeat against the undefeated Russian flyweight prospect Sunatullo Azizov at Matrix Fight Night (MFN) 15 on August 31 in Noida, New Delhi. The fight ended with a unanimous decision in favor of Azizov.

The bout was fiercely contested, with Azizov emerging victorious on all the judges’ scorecards. Despite the setback, Limasunep demonstrated remarkable toughness throughout the match, living up to his nickname by showing exceptional resilience.

Throughout the fight, Limasunep endured a cut inflicted by Azizov but continued to press forward with determination. Although Sunatullo received a point deduction from the referee for multiple eye pokes, it did not impact the final decision, as Azizov maintained his lead and secured the win on all the judges’ cards.


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