Mokokchung, August 4 (MTNews): The Government of India approved 15 sub-schemes under the umbrella scheme of ‘Modernization of Police Forces’ for implementation during the five years’ period from 2021-22 to 2025-26 with the total central outlay of Rs. 26,275 crore. One of these sub-schemes is ‘Assistance to States and Union Territories for Modernization of Police’ with an outlay of Rs. 4846 crore for the scheme period.
Nagaland state has been allocated an amount of Rs. 3.57 crore for the fiscal 2022-23 under the ‘Assistance to States and Union Territories for Modernization of Police’ sub-scheme.
The Government of India has also approved ‘Scheme for Modernization of Forensic Capacities (SMFC)’ under the umbrella scheme of ‘Modernization of Police Forces’. The objective of this sub-scheme is to assist development of operationally independent high quality forensic science facilities in the States/UTs to facilitate timely investigation through modernization of machinery and equipment, availability of trained manpower and modernization of facilities in laboratories.
Under the umbrella scheme of ‘Modernization of Police Forces’, the scheme of ‘Assistance to States and UTs for Narcotics Control’ has been extended for a period of 05 years from 2021-22 to 2025-26 with an outlay of Rs. 50 crore. Based on the utilization and savings, the outlay for the scheme can be revised.
This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Nityanand Rai in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday.