Dimapur, November 3 (MTNews): Nagaland has a young population and henceforth, Naga youth today should take up entrepreneurship and create jobs, said Nagaland Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi at the National Integrate Innovate Expand (NIIE) Trade Fair on Thursday at NER Agri Expo, Dimapur.



The NIIE Trade Fair, organized by the Business Association of Nagas and supported by the Ministry of MSME, GoI, will be held from November 3 to 5, with the theme “Innovate, Integrate, Expand”.


“Self-employment and providing employment to others is the way of development,” he said, adding that there are many schemes under the Ministry of MSME and initiatives taken by the central and state governments that young entrepreneurs can use to scale up.


He emphasized how the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has emerged as an important and dynamic sector of the Indian economy, saying that MSMEs not only play a critical role in providing large employment opportunities, but also in industrializing rural and backward areas, thereby reducing regional imbalances and ensuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth.
“Trade fairs like this help to showcase the vibrancy of the MSME sector,” he opined.


He further stated that, soon after taking charge as Governor of Nagaland, he instructed the State Government to close all illegal check gates and collection centers run by unscrupulous elements which were putting extra burden on the business community in particular and public in general.


He hoped that this will create a conducive atmosphere for doing business in the state mentioning that during the last one year, he has also visited nine districts of Nagaland and had detailed interaction with the business community and heard their grievances.

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