In observance of Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day, a program was held today at Charity School in Kohima, emphasizing the importance of iodized salt in combating iodine deficiency disorders. The theme for this year’s event was “A Daily Dose of Iodine Keeps You Fit and Fine.”

NIDDCP Technical Officer Nungsang Longchar informed that geographically, Nagaland falls under “areas of severest iodine deficiency”, as it lies in the sub-Himalayan belt but recent survey indicated the prevalence rate has come down to about 1% from 34.3% Goitre prevalence; which was recorded in a baseline survey conducted by ICMR in early 1960’s.  He also stated that IDD is Considered as the world’s single most common cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage today.

Dr John Kemp, State Program Officer (NIDDCP) stated that Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day is being organised with young people because they are the most suitable Ambassador to spread the message of Iodised salt to the community.

Dr Mereninla Senlem, Addl Director & SPO (NHM) Directorate of Health & Family Welfare speaking on the occasion as the special guest informed that Iodine deficiency disorder can be severe but preventable both for the present and future generation by consuming good quality iodised salt. She also highlighted the sources of iodine from Sea, plants, soil and dairy products but emphasized that the best source of iodine is from the sea products and informed that Salt being consumed by everyone irrespective of social standing, caste or race. Iodised salt becomes key to reach all people with the required amount.

Dr Mereninla also spoke on iodine deficiency disorders that affects both body and mind in all stages of life including stillbirth, birth defects, miscarriage, stunted growth, intellectual disabilities and development delays. The most common sign of iodine deficiency being goiter.

The other highlights of the Global Iodine deficiency Disorder Day program included quiz competition on Iodine, deficiency & disorder awareness where prizes were distributed for each correct answer. A demonstration on the Iodine test was showcased and test kits distributed to participants to advocate awareness and education. The vote of thanks was delivered by partner organization FPAI General Manager Vincent Belho.


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