The Hindi Department of Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, organized a one-day online national seminar on 18 May. The seminar, titled “Marginalized Society and Hindi Cinema: Various Aspects,” explored the intersection of marginalized communities and their representation in Hindi cinema.

Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik, the Vice Chancellor of Nagaland University, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. His presence added great value to the seminar.

Three eminent speakers delivered insightful talks on their respective topics:

Prof. Pramod Kumar Meena, Head of the Department of Hindi at Tezpur University; Dr Vibhawari, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida; and Dr Mohammad Shameem, Associate Professor, English Department, Halim Muslim Postgraduate College were the speakers.

The seminar was efficiently compered by Dr. Anuj Kumar, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Kohima Campus, NU), and Ashish Kumar, Hindi Officer.

The sessions were chaired by Prof. Jano S Legise, Dean, School of Humanities and Education; Prof. Nigamanand Das, Head, Department of English; and Dr Munni Choudhary, Head, Department of Hindi.

In the inaugural session, Dr Brijesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, delivered the vote of thanks. During different sessions, the vote of thanks was presented by Ajay Kumar Subba Mehboob Dowlah Ahmed, both research scholars.

The seminar provided a platform for rich discussions and exchange of ideas on the portrayal of marginalized societies in Hindi cinema, highlighting various perspectives and fostering academic discourse.


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