Mokokchung, 14 February (MTNews): According to the provisions outlined in the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, and the National Legal Services Authority (Lok Adalat) Regulations, 2009, the practice of conducting four National Lok Adalats annually in all District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) and High Court Legal Services Committee (HCLSC) under the State Legal Services Authority has been established.
In adherence to the directives of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), the approved schedule for the National Lok Adalats in 2024 has been announced as follows: 1st National Lok Adalat: 9 March 2024; 2nd National Lok Adalat: 11 May 2024; 3rd National Lok Adalat: 14 September 2024; and 4th National Lok Adalat: 14 December 2024.
These Lok Adalats aim to provide opportunities for negotiations and settlements among parties involved in various types of cases, both pre-litigation and pending. The types of cases that may be considered for settlement include civil, criminal, matrimonial, land acquisition, service matters, revenue disputes, and others, as per the provisions of the Act and Regulations.
Interested individuals have been asked to seek further information by visiting the Front Offices of DLSAs at District Court premises, contacting the NSLSA office in Kohima, or utilizing toll-free helpline number 9118003453883 or email