NBCC holds 88th Annual Council; Rev Dr Mar Pongener appointed new General Secretary

2025-02-04 | 05:03h
2025-02-04 | 05:03h

The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) held its 88th Annual Council from January 30 to February 2, 2025. The event was hosted by the Pochury Baptist Church Council (PBCC) at the PBCC Mission Centre and Yisisotha Village.

The theme of this year’s council, “Experiencing God Together,” was explored through discussions on key aspects such as Guarding Our Faith, Living the Gospel, Being Prophetic, and Bearing Each Other. These discussions emphasized the NBCC’s firm commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ, recognizing its transformative power for individuals, communities, and nations.

The council passed several resolutions reflecting their spiritual vision and commitment to the future. They pledged to focus on spiritual renewal, through prayer, fasting, and retreats for church leaders and members.


They also committed to addressing the challenges of nominal Christianity by promoting transformational discipleship through comprehensive programs and strategic plans for discipleship.

The council also resolved to engage in holistic ministry addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through initiatives in education, healthcare, mental health, and environmental conservation. They further pledged to uphold truth, social justice, and human rights, affirming that all people are created in the image of God.

Unity within the church was another key resolution, with a focus on promoting peace, reconciliation, mutual respect, trust, and collaboration among churches and their leaders. The council reaffirmed the Bible as the sole authority over faith and practice and committed to strengthening biblical literacy across Naga Baptist communities.

The council also addressed the stewardship of resources, pledging to ensure transparency, accountability, and sincerity in all actions.

In a significant leadership change, the council bid farewell to Rev Dr Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary, and Visasieü Dolie, Women’s Secretary.

Rev Dr Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary of ABAM, was installed as the new General Secretary, and Katoli V Sümi, Secretary of the Women’s Department of SBAK, was appointed as the new Women’s Secretary of NBCC.

New leadership appointments included Rev Achu Chang as President, with Rev Dr C Cho-o and Dr.Igumpeuleule as Vice Presidents. Other notable appointments included Rev Ezieteilung Terieng as the new head of CHSS, replacing Rev TW Yamyap, and Rev Dr Hukashe A. Zhimomi as Managing Director of CHSS.

The farewell, installation blessings, and commissioning prayers were pronounced by Rev Dr L Anjo Keikung, the former General Secretary of NBCC.

The speakers for the program were Rev Dr Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary of NBCC; Rev Dr Mar Pongener, President of NBCC; Visasieü Dolie, Women’s Secretary of NBCC; and Wapangtoshi, Pastor of NCF, Chennai.

In addition to the meetings, the conference featured recreational activities for supporting staff, a choral competition, inter-association interactions, heart talks, and cultural exchanges that celebrated the uniqueness of the Naga culture.

The NBCC expressed its gratitude to the host association, led by its Executive Secretary Rev. Rümatho Nyusou, as well as to the various associations, Yisisotha village, the church, delegates, and participants who contributed to the success of the annual council. With over 600 delegates from across Nagaland, the 88th Annual Gathering was one of the largest to date.



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