The Nagaland Contractor’s & Supplier’s Union (NCSU) Head Office, Kohima has expressed shock and condemnation following the news that one of its bonafide members, M/s K Rulhou, has been “sentenced to death” by a Naga national group over alleged non-payment of taxation.

The NCSU condemned such inhuman decision from a respected organization, which has declared itself to fight for the cause of the general Naga public.

“The contractors and suppliers in Nagaland have been faced with multiple taxations by the Naga groups in the pretext of Naga national workers for the past many decades and we have been extending cooperation. However, while the Naga political issue continues to remain unresolved, the inner bitterness and splits within the Naga groups has only increased the burden of taxation not only on the bonafide members of the NCSU but also our general public,” stated the NCSU.

Moreover, the NCSU called out the “dangerous” decision of death penalty within the Naga family stating that it is uncalled for and not acceptable in a civilized society. The union reaffirmed a resolution passed during its General Meeting on May 7, 2024, which demanded exemption for its members from all forms of excessive taxation imposed by Naga national groups, and opposed the collection of political party funds that compromise the quality of workmanship.

In response to the death threat against M/s K. Rulhou, the NCSU has called for the concerned group to immediately withdraw its decision. The union also urged the State Government and law enforcement agencies to take immediate action against those groups involved and deliver peace of mind and safety to our member and his family at the earliest.


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