Mokokchung, 25 June (MTNews): The Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) have raised several questions against the NSCN-IM with regard to the Naga political problem. In a 4-paged joint statement titled “Understanding the Ailing Naga Generation” and divided into 6 subjects, the NNPGs also made several mentions of the Tangkhul community. However, in its introductory note, the statement read, “This statement do not, in any manner, vilify, implicate or accuse the larger section of conscience driven Tangkhul intellectuals, professionals, Church workers, Civil Society members, common man and well-wishers living in Manipur, Nagaland and other places. Their consistent pragmatic views on how to resolve the Indo-Naga political issue is always acknowledged.”


In the joint statement, the NNPGs cited the reported “congregation of Tangkhul Village Chiefs (Federation of Haomee) and Meiteis, to restore lost ties” and their “decision to jointly defend the territorial integrity of Manipur state.”


“Naga people do not expect the entire Tangkhul populace to erupt in agreement or deny the proven blood affinity with their Meitei brothers. Whether declared by a few or hundred villages, the recent declaration to protect the territorial integrity of Manipur has blown the lid off the bottle of falsehood, laying bare where the Tangkhuls, as a community, historically, politically and administratively belong to,” the NNPGs said.


“The state of Manipur is the mother of all Naga tribes living in Manipur. The same goes for Nagas of Nagaland, Nagas of Arunachal Pradesh and Nagas of Assam. This is the reality and therefore the Agreed Position signed between WC, NNPGs and GoI on 17th Nov. 2017 becomes even more relevant because it is firmly anchored on historical and practical reality. Nagas cannot thrive on illusion.,” the NNPGs claimed.


The joint statement also raised questions on the NSCN (IM) leader Rh. Raising’s statement on “Land, Water and People” and other issues including “Use of violent tactics to hide weakness.” The other subjects mentioned in the statement included “Wounded past scripted the present,” “Economic toll on Nagaland,” and “Ethno-religious madness in Manipur.”

(Full text here)

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