NNPGs slam Naga Hoho’s ‘hallucinating’ leadership following their meeting with Rahul Gandhi

2024-01-19 | 03:08h
2024-01-19 | 03:08h

Mokokchung, 18 January (MTNews): Following the meeting of Naga Hoho with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in Kohima, the Working Committee, Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) has strongly criticized the Naga Hoho, accusing its leadership of “hallucinating” and deviating from the collective interests of the Naga people. In a recently released press statement through its media cell, the WC, NNPGs labeled the hoho as a “directionless Hoho”.

The statement highlighted the longstanding rift between the Eastern Naga People’s Organisation (ENPO), Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC), Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC), and the Naga Hoho, suggesting that the latter has become a “paid propaganda tool.”

HK Zhimomi and Elu Ndang, the President and General Secretary of the Naga Hoho, were singled out for making what the NNPGs consider “insensitive remarks”, adding that their “degenerated and biased narrative do not reflect the sentiment of the Naga people in any manner.”


The NNPGs, in the statement, reiterated the consensus reached through political negotiations between the Government of India (GoI) and the Naga entities, specifically the NSCN (IM) and WC, NNPGs. The press release emphasized the importance of the Agreed Position signed on 17 November 2017, as a preamble agreement that allows negotiators to address core issues related to Naga history, identity, and political rights.

“The current Naga Hoho, if they really represented the Naga people, would have saved themselves from further embarrassment had they approached Mr. Rahul Gandhi with inclusive views on the Indo-Naga political issue,” the WC NNPGs stated.

According to WC NNPGs, “Naga people needed NH to speak for future generations by boldly conveying to Mr. Rahul Gandhi that early honorable and acceptable political solution, that which is practical in the present intricate geo-political environment in SE Asia, was the only way forward for peaceful Nagaland and NE”.

However, the WC NNPGs regretted that the Naga Hoho “clamoured to speak for himself serving the purpose of Hebron camp alone, which is nowhere a common Naga narrative.”

The NNPGs further accused the Naga Hoho of working only for two purposes, “One, to keep bluffing Indian leaders and the outside world using the NH banner by parroting what is parroted to them in Hebron camp.”

“Two, the appalling attempt to stay relevant by pushing in irrelevant agendas in the already mutually concluded political negotiations is only delaying the Naga people of their right to live with dignity, honour and respect.”

(Read full text hereAMP)


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