The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has issued a clarification regarding news items published on January 13 and 14, 2025, which were reportedly based on “misleading statements provided by Likyuse Sangtam and Tsalichum S Sangtam,” the former President and General Secretary (Admin), respectively, of the Kiphire District Congress Committee (DCC). The NPCC also named previous officials of the 59 Seyochung – Sitimi Assembly Constituency Congress Committee (ACCC) and 60 Pungro – Kiphire ACCC as part of the group responsible for the misinformation.
In a statement, the NPCC clarified that it had suspended the former officials of the Kiphire DCC and its subordinate committees on January 19, 2025, “in accordance with the rules and due process as laid down in the party Constitution.” The suspension was for a period of one month, during which time the officials were directed to reorganize the committees.
Further, “PCC Members from the two ACCCs were also placed under suspension through a separate order dated 20/01/2025,” with similar instructions to reorganize the committees within the stipulated timeframe.
To address the leadership vacuum, the NPCC announced that a Nominating Committee was formed, which resulted in the appointment of “new teams of officials for Kiphire DCC as well as its subordinate committees, including that of 59 Seyochung – Sitimi ACCC and 60 Pungro – Kiphire ACCC,” under the leadership of Shri K Tsalimong as DCC President on January 16, 2025.
The NPCC dismissed allegations of foul play by the suspended officials as “baseless and misleading,” urging them to refrain from “questioning the legitimacy of the duly appointed DCC President and his new team.” The NPCC stated that such actions “not only undermine the office of the DCC but may also be construed as insubordination and a direct challenge to the authority of the NPCC.”