Kohima, August 8 (MTNews): Responding to the Rising People Party’s press release that was published in all local dailies on August 8, the president of Naga People’s Front, Shürhozelie Liezietsu said that his party was not “rendered crippled” at any time by any one. He was responding to the RPP’s statement that read, “… but with the NPF rendered crippled and the NDPP soon to be extinct, Nagas are entering an era of fear and confusion.”


Shürhozelie Liezietsu


The NPF president said that the defection of 21 NPF MLAs has rather removed the ‘rust deficit’ in his party and that every step they take now is based on ‘full trust’ with assurances. “I would like to bring it to the kind notice of our RPP leaders as well as our Naga people in general that NPF is now planning to face the next election (if solution does not come) with new initiative and new vigour with more new faces, giving more attention to the younger generation,” he said.


While admitting that a “few party workers moved away along with the defectors but without impact,” Shürhozelie said his party remains intact even down to the grass root level. “With the Assembly election round the corner, time for number game among the political parties in the Assembly is over; but choosing the right people to represent the Naga people becomes more important,” the NPF president said.


Saying that he has “full trust on the integrity of our people,” Shürhozelie added, “I can also see that Naga people want a change and, therefore, Nagaland will never enter into an era of fear and confusion. And for that matter, all like-minded people should come together and do away with the present day light robbery system and provide a real ‘Welfare Government’ to our people.”


Shürhozelie also said that Naga people must realize the present wide gap of rich and poor creating a class system in the Naga society. “This is a very dangerous trend which must be removed at any cost, because we are born free in which all are equal. We believe that Almighty God will grant wisdom to the Naga people to make the right choice for our children,” he remarked.

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