Mokokchung, 21 September (MTNews): In an article published in the latest edition of ‘Nagalim Voice,’ the official mouthpiece of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN-IM), a copy of which was made available to Mokokchung Times, critical insights on the complexities of achieving Naga unity and reconciliation have been revealed. The article, titled “Naga’s journey for solution and the essence of unity in principle” delves into the nuances of the Naga quest for a unified front and emphasizes the importance of understanding the obstacles hindering Naga unity.


The article begins by highlighting the widespread discussions and concerns about Naga unity, pointing out that while unity is a coveted aspiration, it remains elusive due to the intricate nature of the challenge. It notes that achieving unity necessitates comprehending the forces responsible for division and the need to address these underlying issues.


“Significantly, the problem to achieve the elusive unity is to understand the problem and the forces responsible for creating the problem,” it says. It also says that achieving unity will be a far cry without understanding “the devil that is responsible for the divisions.”


The NSCN-IM, in the article, asserts that the Government of India (GOI) has a vested interest in preventing Naga unity, as it recognizes the strength that unity would bring to the Naga people, potentially posing “security threats to the GOI.” Therefore, according to the article, Delhi will never allow Nagas to be united “unless Nagas come to her term.”


The article also mentions the importance of establishing a roadmap for Naga unity, emphasizing the necessity of identifying common ground and removing roadblocks hindering progress. It suggests that different groups within the Naga movement should openly discuss their objectives, whether it be surrender, defending Naga rights, protecting “16 point memorandum of 371(A)”, or coming together under the Indian constitution.


The article raises concerns about the divergent interpretations of the principle theme of “unity based on historical and political rights,” which has led to misunderstandings and self-justifications among individuals.


“Some people went out of the track even to the extent of interpreting that 16 point memorandum was unique history and political rights,” it says.


It also applauds the efforts of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) but suggests that a more discerning approach might be required in granting unqualified status to various political groups, “as Nagas cannot afford the luxury of accommodating them all in the name of reconciliation and unity at this pivotal point.”


The article highlights the Naga Hoho’s perspective, which advocates parallel progress in unity and reconciliation, emphasizing that whichever comes first—unity or a solution—will benefit the Naga people. This perspective contrasts with the ENPO’s declaration of “Unity first, solution next,” which experts have noted “will be proven negative.”


On the ENPO declaration, the article says, “That means if there is no unity, no solution forever.” It continues, “Even if united, solution is not guaranteed unless the core issue is resolved with the other contending parties.”


It also cites how, prior to the Shillong Accord, there was only one party, yet no solution. “In fact, resolving the conflicting principle issue can bring unity faster,” it adds.


In the article, the NSCN-IM’s own efforts toward unity are discussed, including the declaration of “General Amnesty” and reconciliation appeals by its leaders. The article reflects on instances where individuals chose to break away from the NSCN-IM and questions the true motivations behind such actions.


The article was inconclusive as it was mentioned that it would be continued in the next issue. ‘Nagalim Voice’ is a bimonthly news bulletin of the NSCN-IM.

14 thoughts on “NSCN-IM article unveils ‘complexity’ of Naga unity and reconciliation journey”
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