The NSCN-IM Chakhesang Region convened its regional meeting on October 19, 2024, where members unanimously resolved to make a solemn declaration affirming their dedication to the Naga cause and loyalty to the collective leadership.

The declaration highlighted several key commitments, stating, “We, the Chakhesang Region, solemnly declare our unwavering dedication to the Naga cause and our steadfast loyalty to the collective leadership.”

The members pledged to uphold the party’s principles and the Naga Unique History, emphasizing the importance of honoring their past and preserving their heritage for future generations. They expressed absolute support for the Framework Agreement, aimed at securing justice and peace for the Naga people.

The members reaffirmed their deep commitment to the cause of a Sovereign Naga Nation and vowed to give their very best to achieve the cherished goal.

“With courage and unity, we stand ready to serve and sacrifice for our Naga Nation,” it said.

The declaration was signed by Thiputso Thira, CAO of the Chakhesang Region, and Nüsahü Khamo, Convenor of the Program Committee, Chakhesang Region.


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