NSCN-IM Press Statement on FMR

2024-01-25 | 03:52h
2024-01-25 | 03:52h

Nagas are indigenous people with high level of political consciousness, cultural and social cohesion. They are also fully aware of the irrefutable historical narratives of the Naga nation that transcend the international barriers, oppressively created by the Indian and Myanmar governments without consulting the Nagas. Such manner of injustice and wrong conduct against the Nagas continues to haunt the Nagas till today.

The Naga political movement came into existence with the avowed stand to defend the historical and political rights of the Naga nation and put to an end the hegemony of the government of India and Myanmar in the manner that is acceptable and honorable.


The recent move of the government of India to abolish the time honored Free Movement Regime (FMR) has come as a rude shock to the NSCN in particular and to the whole Nagas in general. It reminds us of the treacherous division of the Nagas by the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru and the Burmese Prime Minister U Nu in 1953. However, the fact remains that the Nagas have never accepted the arbitrary international boundary demarcation set up by these two prime ministers and the Nagas living on either sides of the so-called international border have remain as one family defying all the odds. As one family Nagas needs free movement from both sides.

Ironically, the nature of the boundary demarcation was so cruel that it runs right through the house of Longwa King in Mon district. Nothing can be crueler than this while dividing the Naga family.

On the issue of illegal immigrants, Naga themselves would control any illegal immigrant in Naga soil. We will not allow any illegal immigrants in our territory.

All said and done, we are totally against boundary fencing in our lands that violates our rights as one family. Simply put, NSCN will not allow the proposed boundary fencing that further divides the Naga family as a nation.


24th January, 2024


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