NSCN-IM responds to WC NNPGs on ‘resolute decision’

2023-12-04 | 02:51h
2023-12-04 | 02:51h

Mokokchung, 3 December (MTNews): The NSCN-IM on Sunday through its MIP responded to the WC/NNPGs (Working Committee, Naga National Political Groups) and their call for the Naga people to make a “resolute decision.”

In a statement, the NSCN-IM reminded the history of “betrayal and deceit” in the history of Naga political struggle, asserting that certain groups characterized by “treachery, traitorous, disloyal, perfidious and giving false appearance taking the name of Naga freedom fighters.” It expressed deep concern that the WC/NNPGs are “desperately trying to put NSCN on the wrong side of Naga political struggle in collusion with the GoI agents who are their close friends and mentors.”


“A repeat of history when the Indian intelligence agency and their cohorts (NPC) hijacked the Naga political issue by bringing the 16 Point Agreement that led to the creation of the state of Nagaland, leaving out the interests of the Nagas in other areas. History is a living testimony to when much bloodshed was introduced by 16 Point Agreement,” stated the NSCN-IM.

The NSCN-IM also accused the WC/NNPGs of “refusing to acknowledge the lessons from Naga history” and being on a collision course with the historical and political rights of the Nagas. The NSCN-IM expressed alarm at the WC/NNPGs openly defending the 16 Point Agreement, condemning their stance as a repetition of history.

“These same people/groups were nowhere seen as bona fide Naga freedom fighters before the ceasefire was signed in 1997. The truth is that more often than not they were found taking shelter in Assam Rifles camp. The memory is fresh how SC Jamir and Kitovi took 100 AKs from the government of India to finish off the NSCN and served quit notice to a particular tribe and murdered 35 innocent lives that includes women, children, students, pastors, teachers, farmers and even chemist scientist. Their professed role as Naga freedom fighters is therefore, smeared with the blood of innocent Nagas,” added the NSCN.

The NSCN-IM questioned whether the WC/NNPGs have “anything to share that they are for the Nagas and not as stooges or cohorts controlled by GoI agents.”


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