Mokokchung, 6 September (MTNews): The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-K-Niki) and the Government of India have mutually agreed to extend the ceasefire agreement from 8 September 2023 for a period of one year until 7 September 2024. They stated that the ceasefire aims to bring about lasting peace in the state of Nagaland with the involvement of the Naga People. The agreement was signed today in New Delhi.


The delegation of CFSB officials, led by Abel Zingrü Thuer, Supervisor of CFSB signed the extension of ceasefire agreement in Delhi on Wednesday, 6 September.

The NSCN-K (Niki) CFSB team was led by Abel Zingrü Thuer, Supervisor, Ceasefire Supervisory Board (CFSB).

It can be noted that the ceasefire Agreement is only within the state of Nagaland and not all the Naga inhabitant area.

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