Have you ever considered starting a music recording studio? This is undoubtedly an important undertaking. It also necessitates a considerable financial investment, a lot of effort, good business sense, and a lot of confidence in one’s own technical artistic aptitude and abilities.
It can be a thrilling and stimulating experience to create one’s own music. With an abundance of musical talent, Nukshirenba, a Kumlong ward resident, has established a home-based high-performing recording studio. His fascination with the guitar and music began when he was only ten years old. He eventually lost interest until he attended the first Inter School Beat Contest, after which he started practising the instrument and studied the foundations of music theory from all available sources (such as DVD, CD, guitar book, Google).

Nukshi stated, “Since every parent wants their child to graduate with a degree in a subject other than music and land a career in the government service, I never had the chance to pursue or choose any formal music degree.” He continued, “For my degree, I studied B.Com in Accounting and Finance.”
In order to record his music, he said, “I attempted to save money by whatever means possible and bought some recording equipment as I couldn’t get clean audio from a cell phone alone.”
When asked how he set up his home studio, he explained that he had always wanted to make his own music because he loves music and plays the guitar. He mentioned that he was really passionate about it, but because his home town lacked reputable studios where he could transform his thoughts into songs, he made the decision to buy some recording equipment so that he could spend his time doing what he enjoyed, he added. Later, he began recording songs for his pals, which is how he established his home studio.
Nukshi also cited, “I never had any plans to start a recording studio, I merely got the recording equipment because I loved making music records.” According to Nukshi, his first musical record was “Na shilangtsü atar” by TEMLM Production, after which he did a lot of independent projects. His latest production will be “Sunset” by Imtisang (independent artist).
Additionally, he said that “to build a fully-fledged studio, we need a lot of start-up capital, and one also needs the technical know-how to have a lucrative studio business.” According to Nukshi, he recorded between ten and fifteen songs, of which four are original works, five are karaoke soundtracks, and the remaining songs are covers.
Regarding his studio service, he revealed that the majority of his customers provided him with their tunes via voice recordings on email or Whatsapp. After arranging the music for them, he said that if they were comfortable with it, they should sit for the recording session. He continues, “I’ll mix and master the voice track after recording it and send them the finished track over the cloud.”
“I record tracks, arrange music, create sound effects, create soundtracks, and write music scores,” he added.
When asked about the distinctiveness of his studios, Nukshi stated, “My charges distinguish my studio.” He continued, “I don’t have a set price for a song, and I try to assist the artist by charging a nominal fee or deciding based on their budget.”
According to Nukshi, any business can be profitable if the owner knows how to run it. He also cited that the high cost of musical instruments and recording equipment causes numerous financial difficulties.
When asked what procedures are followed in a recording studio, he disclosed his routine:
1. Open Digital Audio Workstation on the PC
2. Capture the sound (which can be voice, acoustic instruments, percussion etc.) using a mic which goes straight into the computer via a sound card/audio interface
3. Use any recording software to capture the sound on the computer
4. Process the recorded sounds
5. Blend it with other instruments or tracks (or you can say mix the tracks)
6. Master and render the track.
On being asked what attributes distinguish a quality recording studio, he explained that the distinguishing factor is highly subjective, because regardless of how good the recording quality is, if the listener (audience) does not like the song, it is a waste. He mentioned that a high-quality recording, on the other hand, should sound good on any playback device, including cheap earphones.
He also stated that the treatment of the room’s acoustics should be given consideration while creating a sound recording studio. However, Nukshi came to the spirited and upbeat conclusion that working on projects you’re enthusiastic about will lead to the greatest amount of job satisfaction.
You can reach the studio by calling 7005192844 or by email at nkhrnasntm@gmail.com
Also find his Instagram page at SwiftPro Studio