The District Health Society, Peren, organized the “Observance of World Population Day” under the theme “Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies for the Wellbeing of Mother and Child” at the CMO Office Peren on 11/07/2024.

world population day peren
Dr Lanuakum, Deputy CMO speaking on the occasion of World Population Day (Photo: District Media Officer CMO office, Peren)

Dr Lanuakum, Deputy CMO Peren, was the resource person. He highlighted the significance of the day and emphasized that family planning is important for the health of a mother and her children, as well as the family’s economic situation. Since parents are responsible for providing education, shelter, clothing, and food for their children, family planning has a significant long-term impact on the financial stability of any family.

He also highlighted that during the Population Stabilization Fortnight from 11-24 July 2024, various family planning methods will be carried out. Free services such as sterilization, IUCD, MPA, and the distribution of condoms, ECP, OCP, counseling, and free IEC materials will be provided in all health units and villages.

He mentioned that this was preceded by a “Mobilization Fortnight” from 27th June to 10th July 2024 to create awareness on population control and generate demand for family planning.

Free IEC materials were distributed during the observance. Elizabeth, DPM, Peren, chaired the program, and Dr Limatula, CMO, Peren, gave the welcome address.


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