New Delhi, 18 July (MTNews): S Phangnon Konyak, the Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament representing Nagaland, has been nominated as a Panel Vice-Chairperson, effective from 17 July 2023. The announcement was made by Garima Jain, Joint Secretary of the Rajya Sabha Secretariat.


The panel of vice-chairpersons is nominated by the Chairman of Rajya Sabha. In the absence of the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman, any of the panel of vice-chairpersons can preside over the House. When presiding, he has the same powers as the Chairman. Until a new panel of vice-chairpersons is nominated, he remains in office.


When a member of the panel of vice-chairpersons is also absent, the House appoints someone else to act as Chairman. It is important to note that while the Chairman or Deputy Chairman positions are vacant, a member of the panel of vice chairpersons cannot preside over the House. During that time, the Chairman’s responsibilities are to be carried out by any member of the House that the President may appoint for the purpose. To fill the vacated positions, elections are held as quickly as practicable.

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