Plastic pollution has been recognized as a global crisis. Harmful effects of plastic pollution on humans and the environment have been widely studied and documented. The need to beat plastic pollution is, therefore, a global concern because environmental health and human health are inextricably related.
Campaigns against plastic pollution have gained momentum in the last two decades but the crisis is far from over. Plastic pollution is indeed a global concern and a visit to the local market, for instance, or a walk down the streets of Mokokchungproves it right. Take a look at the drains in your localities and try to gauge the volume of plastic waste there. Plastic pollution is indeed a serious issue and we are clearly not doing enough to beat it.
The Government of Nagaland has notified “Total Ban on all Single-Use Plastic in Nagaland” effective in Nagaland since September 17, 2019. How efficiently the ban has been put into effect is a different question but the ban in itself has been well appreciated by many for the right reasons. Concerned citizens should keep the authorities on their toes to ensure that the ban is implementedeffectively.
Citizens should support advocacy groups like Clean Mokokchung Campaign so that they can play their roles more effectively. For Mokokchung to go the Plastic Free way, advocacy groups should take the lead. While the government is expected to implement the ban on single use plastics, advocacy groups are required to mobilize mass campaigns and sensitization efforts.
Plastic Free is not a hard target but an ideal or a concept that involves. Simply put, Plastic Freeentailsthe recovery of products, packaging and materials made of plastic without burning them and with no discharges to the land, water or air that threaten the environmental or human health. It is not just about plastic waste but also about lifestyle and behavior changes.
If the community as a whole is made aware and collectively decide to adopt Plastic Free goals, principles and lifestyle changes, a Plastic Free Mokokchung should be possible.