The Naga Rising has come down heavily on Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio’s recent statement that “politics was best left to politicians” which he reportedly said during the Northeast Agri-Expo in Chumoukedima on May 2, where the chief minister also said that Nagas must “discuss more about our economy” instead.
Describing it as “the worst way possible to demean the dignity and self-respect of the entire population of Nagaland,” The Naga Rising said that Rio’s “anti-democratic remark not only undermines the intellect of the common citizens of Nagaland but also insults the chair he occupies.”
“Urging the people to focus on boosting the state economy rather than on focusing too much on politics, the Chief Minister has forgotten that one cannot separate the two because bad politics produces bad economics. It is the role of the people to bring about good politics so as to ensure that there is good economics,” The Naga Rising said in a statement issued today.
“Should the electorates silently accept what the politicians say or do, without the right to voice out for their rights? Should politicians decide what is right and wrong for the people with the people having no right to question the decision?” TNR posed.
“In this day and age when we celebrate freedom and democratic rights of every human being, such a condescending attitude as demonstrated by the Chief Minister deserves to be condemned by every right thinking citizen,” TNR further said.
“It is unfortunate that the leader of the UDA government – that has already disregarded the mandate of the people by forming an opposition-less government – has forgotten who elected his government to power in the first place,” TNR further said.
TNR also said, “we need visionary leaders who can take us forward, not self-assuming autocrats who would take us back to the stone-age.”