Against the rising tide of public anger with regard to the controversial parking fee levied by the DMC, the youth wing of the RPP would like to request the Chairman of the DMC to implement corrective measures without delay.
1. That the present system of DMC issuing parking slips without taking responsibility against possible thefts or damage to vehicles during the parking hours is irresponsible. It should be understood that the parked vehicles are not money vending machines, and without some sort of responsibility on the part of the DMC, the party may be forced to call upon the public not to pay parking fee under any circumstances.
Therefore, it’s direly important that parking slips should only be issued with clear and legible instructions written on the slipthat THEFT and DAMAGE to parked vehicles during the parking hours is the sole responsibility of the DMC with the municipal body liable for compensation. Also, the ticket collectors should write down the vehicle numbers and append their names and signatures while issuing slips. This system is as practiced in other parts of the country.
2. The responsibility of issuing parking slips cannot be leased out to a faceless person who is obviously milking the system while the DMC faces revenue losses. The lease system should be CANCELLED immediately and the DMC should take over the same responsibility with the money going directly into the DMC coffers. If necessary a cashless system can be introduced as well.
3. The public has the right to know whether the parking fee collected is being judiciously used for the upkeep of civic amenities. Therefore, the fee collected should be made public monthly-wise.
4. All the parking fee collectors should be attired in uniforms with their ID displayed properly.
5. The DMC may increase the parking hours per ticket to 3 (three) hours.
(This is a press release issued by Zhokhoi Chuzho, President, Rising Youth, Rising People’s Party)

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